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Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Future

Writer's picture: ICC UKICC UK

New Children arrive at DEWS Sweet Home

It’s not every day that we are privileged to see both the past and future of God’s guiding hand at work – all at a glance. Yet, thanks to your loving support, this is the case at DEWS Sweet Home in India. Five new orphans joined the children’s village. They arrived in time for the DEWS Sweet Home 27th anniversary celebration.

The Past

For children living at an ICC Children’s Village, the past is often not pleasant to reflect upon. Each child has a unique, and typically tragic, history. Here is a brief look at the story of one of the new children who recently arrived in India: Kanu has been living on the streets with no food or water. Truly, he had no one to care for him. Someone local told the boy about a children’s village where orphans can find a home, so he walked to DEWS Sweet Home all by himself. He is only ten years old. Despite the tragic histories of the children, there is hope. At the anniversary party, Sweet Home celebrated the blessing of the past. For the past 27 years, your support has made it possible for many children in India to be saved – both physically and spiritually.

Ephesians 1:4-5 reminds us that God chose us as his children before the creation of the world. That’s looking way back in the past.

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.” Ephesians 1:4-5

The newly arrived ICC children are chosen by God, as we all are, to be adopted into the Kingdom. These children are also now adopted into a beautiful family that you help to provide here on earth.

Caption - DEWS Sweet Home, ICC's Children's Village in India, recently celebrated 27 years of operation. In addition, five new children have joined the Sweet Home family. This project is made possible thanks to the support of loving and generous people, just like you. Thank you for loving the kids!

At the 27th anniversary celebration, two grown ICC children – older brothers – shared their testimony to encourage the young ones. Here is an edited excerpt from Udai, DEWS Sweet Home finance director, concerning the event.

“Karunakar, one of our older brothers, talked to children and explained how his life changed after coming to Sweet Home and shared that this is his home forever. Timothy shared his experience and shared a few tips on how to utilise the opportunity that each of us got, as many children outside don’t have food, clothing and shelter.”

Before coming to ICC, Timothy had been abandoned at a train station. He didn’t even remember his own name. Now, he is a pastor serving at Flaiz Adventist College, as well as at DEWS Sweet Home.

Karunakar came from a similar background, and recently completed his nursing degree. During the height of the pandemic, he went above and beyond to help care for the children – both assisting in best-practice health education as well as in daily family care.

He often returns to his Sweet Home family and provides snacks and special meals.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Your support serves as the hands and feet of God in helping the children to experience the bright future God has planned for them. Timothy and Karunakar are already realising the blessing of that future.

Caption for photo 1 & 2 - Five new children recently arrived at DEWS Sweet Home in India. Pictured above are two of the new faces. Kanu, on the left, walked to the village all by himself. Your support makes it possible for these children, and more, to realise a beautiful future. Thank you!

Caption for photo 3 - Karunakar, a grown ICC child, shares with his "younger siblings" about the blessings made possible through your support and through God's grace. Thank you for helping to provide a bright future for the children!

Thank you for helping to make that possible!

In his letter, Udai continues: “I would like to take this time to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support in taking care of DEWS Sweet Home. The Good Lord has been blessing us for the past 27 years. I can’t believe that I have been here for almost 21 years.

On behalf of the children, staff, and alumni I would like to specially thank … all the sponsors and well-wishers. I know each of you have made different sacrifices in order to provide food, clothing and shelter for the unfortunate children, and you have provided us with the best life.”

For your support in the past, as well as in the future,



New Children arrive at DEWS Sweet Home

Your prayers and financial support have been a wonderful blessing to the ICC children at the Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo. As you recall, torrential rains caused a major catastrophe that left hundreds of children orphaned. ICC family members like you stepped up to help provide support in the aftermath of this crisis, and we were able to add 43 newly orphaned children to the ICC Patmos family.

What you may not realize is that the torrential rains caused damage to the Patmos campus including some of the buildings. It is an ongoing challenge at Patmos to control the flow of water that cascades through the campus during downpours. In years past, ICC family members have helped to mitigate this problem by supporting the construction of canals through the village as well as the planting of grass to limit erosion. If these steps had not been taken in the past, ICC children’s lives may have been at risk.

However, during the recent flooding, erosion was again a problem. But thanks to the generous support of the ICC family, yet again, efforts have been taken to shore up the campus to ensure that it is a safe place for the children and staff. Additional canals have been built as well as bridges over waterways.

Thank you for continuing to support this project and the children who depend upon their ICC family. And regarding the newly orphaned children, many are now in need of sponsors to help provide for their support. If you would like to sponsor one of these children please go to the link on our donate page or call the ICC UK Office on 0303 0402885.

Caption - Pictured to the right, water causes erosion through Patmos Campus after torrential rains hit. Above, new bridges over waterways have been constructed to ensure that the campus is guarded against further water damage. Your continued support allows for these life-saving efforts to be constructed and maintained.

Passing on Your Blessings to the Children

By Rick Bowes

The story of our Las Palmas Pathfinders donating their Camporee funds to help the new orphans in the Congo, featured in the September 2023 Que Pasa, reminds me that it’s not just our Las Palmas children who are giving gifts. Indeed, all over the world our children are continually giving gifts. They give to their brothers and sisters.

They give to their house parents, and many times they have gone outside of the Children’s Villages to give gifts to their neighbours.

They do so specifically because your ICC staff has taught them (Genesis 12:1,2) that they have been “blessed so that they might bless others.”

That one phrase, “Blessed to bless others” is familiar to me because I have heard so many of you use it when referring to what God has done in your lives.

So right here, I want to thank you for passing those blessings on to your children in the ICC Villages.

Truly, your gifts are not just changing lives, but they are saving lives.

You are helping to change and save the lives of children through your generous support. On their behalf, thank you!

Caption - The blessing of your generosity has inspired children to share in the joy of giving freely to others.

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