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ICC May Edition | A Place to Belong, Thanks to YOU!

Writer's picture: ICC UKICC UK

Jonathan’s Story

Your generous support provides for the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of orphan and vulnerable children. But what is the long-term impact of the support you provide? Does it have a lasting value to the children once they are older? Jonathan’s story illustrates that yes, indeed, your support has a far-reaching, long-lasting impact.

Jonathan arrived at our Guatemala City receiving centre in December 1997. He was thin and frail and suffered from malnutrition. He was not quite 10 months old and weighed only 14 pounds.

In addition to being malnourished, medical tests revealed that he suffered from hypothyroidism which can cause physical and mental issues. Jonathan received treatment and nutritional care and found a place of refuge at the centre.

As Jonathan grew older, his teachers noticed that he had difficulty learning letters and numbers. He had challenges with his memory.

Eventually, government entities got involved, and he was transferred by court order to a government program that had the capacity to care for children with special learning needs.

But what was the impact of the care that ICC family members like you helped to provide?

According to Anabela, director of the city center, Jonathan continues to feel a special closeness to his ICC family at the city center even years later. Anabela shares the following about Jonathan:

Jonathan always had in his mind that the staff members and children at the city center were his family. The children were taught to call the caregivers “tía” (aunt in English).

Jonathan remembers a very special tía, Shandari, who took an interest in him. This was Jonathan’s home for several years. This was his family!

At 18 years of age, Jonathan contacted me and told me that he was starting to work at McDonalds.

This was part of the program that helps residents live independently. Jonathan remembered with great affection the people who took care of him, the activities such as birthdays, Christmas, games with the other children, and all those special moments he never forgot. And more surprising is that he remembered how to get to the receiving center address. Without a doubt, Jonathan’s time with us was a very special experience in his life, because we were always in his mind.

Jonathan has decided that he wants to celebrate his birthday with us here at the center. He has done this two times already. For us it is something very special. It is an indicator that he always carries us in his mind and heart.

Without a doubt, the work that is done with each child who passes through our care is very special since each tía, teacher, and parent give their heart to each child in such a way that they feel loved and important.

This awakens in each of them the desire to live and to move forward with a life of purpose. They have a longing to be good citizens and to be productive in this society.

Thank you very much, dear donor, for sharing your blessings with the neediest. This gives meaning to their lives. Be assured that the work done in the life of each child will bear fruit when they are independent and carry in their hearts the seed of the love of Jesus.

Thank you very much for your support!

May God bless you.

Jonathan not long after he arrived at the Guatemala City Receiving Center.

Jonathan at his latest birthday which he celebrates at his “home” with his family at the Guatemala City Receiving Center.

Recognising Mothers Within The ICC Family

During the month of May we recognise and celebrate ICC mothers. Within the ICC family, mothers are the glue that binds the hearts of the children to their ICC family and to their Heavenly Father. They are front-line nurturers of broken lives. They hear the children laugh, cry, dream and pray. They are on duty 24/7 to protect and provide care for a large and active family. They are entrusted with the challenge of not only teaching children what a real family is like but showing it through consistent, loving actions. Remove the mother from an ICC home, and you remove its very heart and soul and paralysed our mission for the children!

Ellen White, a mother herself, recognised the often overlooked and under appreciated responsibility of a mother. In the book Ministry of Healing, she wrote…

“The mother’s work often seems to her an unimportant service. It is a work that is rarely appreciated. Others know little of her many cares and burdens. Her days are occupied with a round of little duties, all calling for patient effort, for self-control, for tact, wisdom, and self-sacrificing love; yet she cannot boast of what she has done as any great achievement…

Heavenly angels watch the care-worn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lamb’s book of life.” MH pp. 376, 377.

We also recognise, celebrate, and cherish the mothers within the ICC family who support this mission through prayer and financial resources. No, you may not be able to travel to a children’s village. You may never get to hug an ICC child or hear how much they appreciate you! However, your support enables ICC mothers to love the children in your place. This work isn’t possible without YOU!

Heavenly angels watch the care-worn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lamb’s book of life.” MH pp. 376, 377.

We also recognise, celebrate, and cherish the mothers within the ICC family who support this mission through prayer and financial resources. No, you may not be able to travel to a children’s village. You may never get to hug an ICC child or hear how much they appreciate you! However, your support enables ICC mothers to love the children in your place. This work isn’t possible without YOU!

Photo Captions:

1 - Each of these amazing women is providing life lessons for the children.

5 - These four ladies care for the children of DEWS Sweet Home in India. They lovingly care for the children as if they are their own.

El Oasis Farm Dedicates New Pepper Crop

Dedication and ceremonial planting kick off 2022 growing season

March 30 was a warm and windy day at the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico. Excitement ran high on campus as this would be the special day dedicating the 2022 pepper project to the Lord.

The El Oasis family gathered at the campus church at 1:00 PM. During the program, the campus band played and there was a special message presented. Once the final prayer finished, everyone walked toward the waiting field. The procession paused beside a grove of trees. The 1st and 2nd graders recited Psalm 91 and the consecration prayer was given.

Everyone, children as well as adults, had the opportunity to plant a little jalapeño seedling. What a special moment this was for the El Oasis family.

This is the pepper farm’s 5th year. For 2022, 32 acres of serrano and jalapeño peppers are planned. With God’s help the harvest will begin by the end of June. This has the potential to provide significant financial support for El Oasis.

Mauro Reyes, Jr. one of the administrators said, “God has been greatly merciful with El Oasis Village. How could we not recognise that every blessing comes from Him?”

Please pray for God’s blessing upon this project again this year!

Children and house parents from El Oasis ceremonially plant the first seedling pepper plants during the dedication of the 2022 pepper crop at the El Oasis farm.

Insert For May 2022 Que Pasa Mailing

Just to let you know…

You can still double your special gift to the children through the ICC 44th Anniversary “Matching Care Fund.”

As of press time, matching funds are still available. However, once the funds are matched this opportunity will close. Make your gift today!

This fund provides for the children’s ongoing care during these troubled times of war and rapid inflation. Mark your gift “44th Match.”

Thanks for all you do to bless His Kids!

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