El Oasis Children Learn Fun and Important Lessons at VBS
Editor’s Note: As schools resume after the summer break, take a look back with us to observe what the El Oasis children in Mexico learned through the Vacation Bible School program organised by the staff there. The following is an edited excerpt from a report sent to us from Sara Reyes, who works with children of El Oasis.
From July 17-22 we held the Vacation Bible School with the theme of "A Miniature World." The children started with a general meeting in "The Garden" where they learned the value of the caterpillar's overcoming, the locust's unity, the ant's order, the spider's perseverance, and the bee's service. All of this related to the life of the great leader Moses.
The children had the opportunity to go through several learning areas. In the anthill area they learned interesting facts about the different animals that were featured each day. In the spider's web the children took part in a craft. In the beehive, they had the opportunity to create their own snack. They used different fruits to fashion a food treat that was in the form of an insect. This was a delicious experience. In the mini-adventure area, the children tested their physical skills in games that turned out to be a lot of fun.
At the end of each day, we went back to the garden to sing and say goodbye.
We thank God for the help of all the staff members. It was a great blessing for each one of our children.
Your support helps to provide the children with wonderful learning opportunities that draw their hearts closer to their Creator. Thank you for all you do for the children!
CAPTION: The above three photos depict different aspects of Vacation Bible School. From delicious food and colourful decorations, to exciting games and thoughtful crafts, the children experienced Jesus at VBS. That is the impact of your support!
By Jean Parchment, ICC Ambassador and Creator of “Reborn Dolls”
My daily walk started as any other morning. I walk around the lake and enjoy greeting other walkers. This particular morning, I noticed a woman who was outstanding. She was petite, impeccably groomed, and walked at my pace. We smiled at each other and kept on our way. The following morning, we met again and she was very pleasant. In a short while, we started walking together. We quickly discovered that we had so much in common. Our friendship grew and we looked forward to our daily walks and talks.
One day I had my new friend to lunch at our home. During our morning walks I told her about ICC and what I was doing to support the orphans. Of course, my friend wanted to meet the dolls. I happened to have just completed a doll, intending to take it to the ICC booth at the ASI convention. I was happy to show the doll to my friend. She was so impressed she kept saying, “I wish my daughter could see this.” I suggested, “Take the doll home with you and show your daughter. You can bring it back tomorrow.”
The next day when my friend showed up, she did not have the doll with her. To my utter surprise she announced, “My daughter took the doll in her arms and said, “This baby is not leaving this house” Then my friend’s grandson chimed in, “Mom, I am going to buy this doll for you.” My friend handed me an envelope stuffed with a very generous donation for the doll.
Two years went by during which I made a multicoloured doll dress that was just hanging in the closet. Recently, I got the idea to give it to my friend, knowing she likes bright colours.
The following morning, to my great surprise, my friend handed me a $100.00 bill. “Why?” I asked. “I gave you a gift, I do not expect any pay. Why this money?”
She responded, “It’s for the orphans. When I showed the dress to my daughter, she was so delighted. She just loved it. Then my daughter said, “Today, one of my clients was so pleased with my work that he handed me this money and said I could do whatever I wanted with it. When you showed me the dress, I immediately knew what I wanted to do with the money. I want it to go to the orphans.”
I was just so touched by this woman’s kindness and generosity. I have never met her, yet her kindness is so impressive. It reminds me of God’s goodness to us. We don’t earn it, expect it, or deserve it yet although we have never seen Him, we are constantly experiencing His kindness.
CAPTION: Jean Parchment is an artist who creates “Reborn Dolls.” These dolls simulate the appearance, size, and weight of a realistic baby. Then, she donates the proceeds from all sales to the children of ICC. Thank you, Jean, for sharing your story and for blessing the children with your talent!
Orphans Caring for Orphans
Recently, we were reminded of the empathy that ICC children have for one another. You’ll find it in the following story from the Las Palmas Children’s Village.
For many years, Las Palmas has had a thriving Pathfinder Club. If you’ve had personal experience being a Pathfinder, you know the joy of learning life skills and participating in activities and events that are not only fun but that also build character. One such event is the Pathfinder camporee where other sister clubs gather for a weekend of fellowship, worship, and unique activities.
This year, the Las Palmas young people were trying to raise funds so that they could attend the upcoming camporee. However, when they found out about the newly orphaned children in the DR Congo that you’ve read about recently, they also were filled with compassion. Their response was quick. They would forgo their camporee and send the money they had already raised to help care for the new children. What a lovely example of loving sacrifice for others!
The Las Palmas children created a little video greeting that was sent to their “cousins” in Congo. Here is what one of the girls shared: “We would like to offer you some help... We have heard about a situation that is really affecting you. We want to help you, and may the peace of God always be with each one of you.”
Your support of ICC children is helping them to experience not only God’s peace themselves, but also a heart of compassion.
Thank You for Helping Orphans, Too!
Your support of the children is truly amazing! It is making a transformational difference in their lives. And one of the ways you’ve been supporting the children is through the “Summer of Care” matching challenge.
We’re pleased to announce that generous ICC family members like you have helped us reach and exceed the goal. We praise the Lord for working through you to bless the children in such an impactful way this summer! On their behalf, thank you very much!
The journey of the children continues – and so will their needs. Please continue to pray for them and support them financially with a special gift today. Thank you!
CAPTION: Recently, the Las Palmas Pathfinder club freely donated their own fundraising efforts to help the newly orphaned children of Patmos Children's Village in D.R. Congo. What a beautiful example of selfless giving!
Welcome to the ICC Family
ASI Attendees and NAD Teachers
Last month, members of your ICC family had the privilege of representing this ministry at the ASI and NAD Teacher’s conventions.
If you visited with us during either of the events, we want to welcome you to the ICC family and share this Que Pasa newsletter with you.
The ASI (Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries) convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri. ICC had been approved to receive support from ASI to help build a boat dock and shelter at the Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo. Rick Bowes and Kent Greve shared with the Sabbath audience and 3ABN viewers not only about this special project but also about the work and ministry of ICC. ASI’s pledge of support will cover about 2/3 of the cost.
If you’d like to support this project as well, please designate your donation as “Congo Boat Dock.” You can see the video that was included as part of the ASI presentation, by using the following QR Code or website link:
Teachers from around the North American Division of SDAs gathered in Phoenix for their convention that occurs every five years. This year we were pleased to be able to offer a special curriculum focused on teaching children compassion. Our team was overwhelmed and overjoyed with the interest as they gave away 50 printed copies and had 75 additional requests for the material.
If you would like to see the curriculum you can access it at the following QR Code or website link:
Please share this with any teachers or home school parents you may know. They can request a printed copy of the curriculum by calling our office at 800-422-7729.
CAPTION 1: ICC team members, right and left, at ASI with a newly engaged couple, centre.
CAPTION 2: ICC team members offered a newly developed “Compassion Curriculum” to teachers at the recent NAD Teachers Convention.