An Update From ICC Projects Around the World
The world is rapidly moving from one catastrophe to the next. Yet, at this time of upheaval, we are thankful that we can call upon God, and He will answer us and be with us in times of trouble.
Our ICC family has not been exempted from experiencing its share of trouble. Yet through it all, praise the Lord, He continues to watch over His children. Here are some brief updates from ICC projects around the world so you know what is happening and how you can pray and continue to support “His kids!”
India: DEWS Sweet Home
Imagine what it must be like to live in “the RED ZONE” in India and be responsible for caring for dozens of children when most shops are not open and there are curfews. That’s the challenge our ICC staff face at the DEWS Sweet Home Children’s Village. Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, the government has placed that region of India in a strict lockdown.
Though none of our ICC family in India have the Coronavirus, the lockdown has created many obstacles. The primary vehicle (an Indian made “Scorpio”) for transporting children and supplies has broken down and needs to be replaced. And to top it off, our water filtration system is not working.
The government subsidies bottled water so it can be purchased inexpensively. But picking it up without a vehicle has been a real challenge. Udai, one of our grown children now serves the children’s village as business manager. He shared the following: “Because we don't have a vehicle at the present, I had a very hard time bringing groceries on the scooter making 3-4 rounds to town during the Covid-19 pandemic condition. Also, we used to get drinking water in the Scorpio, but because of the present condition we are having a hard time hiring an auto to bring water to campus for the children to drink.
"The policemen are beating people if they see more than one person on the scooter. So, I have to go alone and tie all the groceries to the scooter on the back and front area and then find a narrow way hiding and coming back home. Thank God we did not face any medical emergency yet.”
Car dealers are closed, and when they reopen, funds will be needed to purchase a new vehicle.
Dominican Republic - Las Palmas Children's Village
At the Las Palmas Children’s Village, it is increasingly difficult to find quality food at affordable prices. According to Mario, our business manager:
“The shelves in the supermarkets are mostly empty, and we have to buy what we can find. … The farmers right now are not easily getting the materials they need to tend their crops so they will have a good production.
"People can’t work because they can’t leave their houses, and the ones who are producing can’t find the labour they need, and even less the materials to be able to be sure to have a good harvest. From now on it is possible we will have difficulties getting those products and that many will be at higher prices."
The children of Las Palmas are praying for you each day. Please pray for them and consider giving an extra donation to help provide for the operating needs at Las Palmas.
Los Pinos Children's Village
Joel Carpio, director of the Los Pinos Children’s Village, recently shared the following update: “Since February, when we had the cases of flu, we haven’t had serious illnesses. The pandemic has not touched us.
"The school is functioning at 90% with a reduced schedule. (I don’t know if we might be the only school in all of Guatemala which is having classes with the kids present – the rest are virtual.) The kids have been fine. We have not lacked food nor other things. It is a little more expensive, and sometimes the quality is not very good, but we are finding enough. Clothing and shoes are very hard to get.
"We always thank God because there has been no lack of funds, and our blessings that we wish for the sponsors and donors are constant. … Pass on the appreciation of the Los Pinos community to the personnel of ICC – to each one who makes it possible for us to have everything we need."
Please pray for the ICAP secondary school which ICC operates next to Los Pinos. Tuition payments have fallen sharply, and it has been a real struggle to provide a virtual experience when many students don't have access to the internet for online classes.
D.R. Congo - Patmos Children's Village
Not only is the Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo the largest project within the ICC family, it is often buffeted more severely by external forces.
The government’s response to COVID-19 was to lock down the country, close the borders, and stop road, air and maritime traffic. Fortunately, because of our remote location, the Patmos elementary and secondary schools were able to continue operating.
However, because of the disruption in the supply of food and other goods, prices soared. Operating expenses for Patmos increased by 21% in March. And in May it spiked to a 30% increase. As an example of the raising costs, twenty-five Kg of corn flour before the pandemic sold for $15. In May, the cost was $25.
Désiré sent an urgent appeal to ICC headquarters asking for assistance. Because of the faithful support of ICC family members like you, additional funds have been sent to provide for the immediate needs. Thank you for your loving concern for the children and those who provide for their care!
Please pray for the Patmos Children’s Village amid the rapid inflation in the DR Congo. Pray that Désiré will be able to find the supplies that are needed at prices that can be managed within the resources on hand. And please continue giving generously for the support of all “His kids.”
The summer months are especially challenging times to meet the ongoing needs of the children. Thank you very much for your support!
Because of the faithful support of ICC family members like you, additional funds have been sent to provide for the immediate needs of the Patmos Children's Village. Thank you for your loving concern for the children and those who provide for their care!
